Mount Seskin Community College
Coláiste Pobail Móin Seiscinn

Student Council

The aim of the Student Council is to work in partnership with the Board of Management, staff and parents for the benefit of the whole school community.

The Student Council seeks to provide a line of communication between students, management, staff and parents, representing the student body on matters of concern to them. Students nominate themselves for election every September and elections are held and processed by early October. Our aim is to have at least one student from every class represented on the Council.

Once elected, the Council members attend a weekly lunch time meeting.

They elect a Chairperson, Secretary, Attendance Officer, Treasurer and a P.R. team.

Mount Seskin Community College
Fortunestown Rd, Jobstown, Dublin 24, D24 KO33, Ireland
DDLETB Erasmus Leargas Funded by EU lgbtq+ quality mark President's Award
© 2025 Mount Seskin Community College