Today the 5th year Horticulture class with Mr Deasy and Mr Wilhare had the pleasure of welcoming Craig Benton AKA Dr. Compost to our school.
Craig brought with him 1 kilogram of healthy worms and years of experience and expertise in setting up wormeries and composting. This is Craig's third visit to our school this year helping us on our composting journey.
In November he worked with the 5th year Horticulture class and provided us with materials for leaf cages, waste caddies and tools. In December he returned with the materials required to construct our wormery with the help of 6th year Horticulture class and Mr.Deasy.
Today, Craig with the help of the class as well as Stacey and Nathan, our Maltese Erasmus colleague, filled our decorated Wormery with everything that the worms need for the foreseeable future.
Craig was especially impressed with the Art work on the wormery completed by the 5th year Horticulture class with the help of our amazing Art Department (Ms. Byrne). Craig said it was easily the best decorated wormery he had ever seen.
Craig working with Composting for Schools is funded in cooperation with South Dublin Co Council. Thanks to all who supported this opportunity for our students.
Kevin and Sean